To keep the weapons in balance, we slightly reduce the damage they deal. The new shooting mechanics proved very good and increased the efficiency of these guns.
Now for firing it is enough to hold the fire key.
We plan to carry out the work after the update 0.11.20, and the correction is planned for the next major update after 0.11.20. We would also like to note that we are aware of the controversial physical model of the drone and plan to make it larger. Now your attacking drone will not be so close and high that it will make it a little easier to destroy it.
Now the drone changes its position during the attack once every 2 seconds.
Optimal firing range reduced from 100 to 90 m.
Maximum firing range reduced from 150 to 110 m.
Reloading time increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
Perk damage bonus increased from 150 to 200%.
Maximum spread while still reduced by 25%.
Maximum spread in motion reduced by 33%.
Increased maximum firing range of grenade launchers:.
Upgrade bonus to projectile speed reduced from 25% to 15%.
The spread when turning the tower is reduced by 20%.
Maximum spread in motion reduced by 13%.
Changed the perk: “Hitting an enemy reduces its reload speed and weapon cooling time by 40% for 3 sec”.
Changed the perk: “Every 2 seconds of immobility increase damage by 10%.
Part of the damage dealt by fragments during an explosion is transferred to damage upon contact with the part. Now projectiles deal damage not only when the projectile explodes (shrapnel), but also when the projectile contacts the part. You can study all the planned changes in detail on the special test server! General (all types of weapons and missiles) We remind you that all the new features described in the “Developer blog” are not final and may be changed before they are introduced into the game or may not make it into the game at all. Please note that all the changes are indicated regarding the parameters of the weapons on the game (live) server!b In the description of this news article, we have indicated all currently planned balance tweaks. Today we will host the final test before the update 0.11.20.